Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22nd - the 32nd Day of Winter

Wow! Our spell of clean flat water continues. This is so unusual. This was Shacks about 5:00 pm today, about an hour before low tide. It's crazy summertime flat. And this is the cleanest I've seen Shacks in a long time. Visibility was amazing.

I haven't snorkeled at Shacks for quite a while. Late this afternoon, I couldn't resist. I originally planned to try Wishing Well, one of our favorite snorkeling sites. But I started out at a bad time, 3:00, and traffic was a bear. After half an hour, I was only half way to a site that's about 12 minutes away. So I turned around, came home and went to Shacks. If this patten holds, I'll try Wishing Well tomorrow.

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