Saturday, September 05, 2015


Sorry I've been gone so long. This time it's not all my fault. I've been going round and round with Google over signing into this blog account. I had posts written about sargassm on the beaches and the on-going drought in Puerto Rico. (I cant post those now because they are on a computer I currently don't have access to. They wouldn't believe I'm me! We finally got it straightened out tonight - and we're in Jasper, Alberta, Canada!

Yep- this island boy is hanging out in the Canadian Rockies for the next couple of weeks. I will post dispatches from here as time and Internet access permit.

For now let me say that as much as I love my island, this is the most jaw-droppingly beautiful place I've ever been. Every vista around every bend in the road is more incredible than the last. I've stopped saying "oh my god!" and the like. The scale and the immensity and the beauty defy description. There literally are no words.

So I'll post pictures when I can and descriptions as best I can and when I can.

The photo above was taken near sunrise at Moraine Lake in the Valley of the Ten Peaks about an hour north of Banff.

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