Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Making the best of it

After that amazing up-and-down dive-then-surf-then-dive spell, the rainy season came a month early. For two weeks it has rained - and rained hard - nearly every day. Lago de los Caballos (Lake of the Horses) in the corral and paddock hasn't been totally dry for two weeks, despite running a sump pump 24/7. We keep  trying to find dry spots for the horses to giver their hooves a chance to dry out.

There's no surf. And even if there was, I wouldn't take my camera out in the driving rain.

The rain messes up diving, not because we can't dive in the rain (sometimes that's fun as long as there is no lightening) but because of visibility. Rain, especially hard rain up in the mountains, washes silt and "stuff" down the rivers. That screws up visibility until it has a chance to either settle out or be washed out by currents.

Can't ride. Well, we could ride, but I can tell you for experience riding in the rain is not much fun. Besides, the trails are all muddy and/or covered with pools of standing water which unfortunately become mosquito farms.

That doesn't mean there's nothing to do. Lots of mopping, sweeping up, trying to keep the horses and dogs dry and clean. But that's part of life when you choose to live outdoors in a treehouse. That is our choice and we'll keep making the best of it. Anyway, when it rains here, it's still 80 degrees not 30 or 40 degrees. So that's not so bad.

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