Saturday, April 07, 2018

NOW, April 7, 2018, Saturday

Saturday, April 7

After the hurricane: Temple ruins, Crashboat

Sorry I got behind on posting  I'm working on a couple of projects now that I have the computer and photo software back.

One of the projects has been working with the first photos I took of the underwater wreckage at Crashboat back in November, two months after Maria. I took the photos snorkeling, from the surface, in poor visibility. The color originals are pale, washed out, low contrast, no detail, just vague shapes.

I started playing around with the images to see what was there, hidden in the image files. At first I got these strange, distorted colors.

I've said before our post-hurricane world was like living in the Upside-down from the Netflix series, Stranger Things. This is even more evidence of the Upside-down. But wasn't exactly what I was looking for. So I remove all the color and played around with the images in black-and-white (which I've always loved). I'm really happy with the results. I like the gritty, post-apocalyptic feel of the images.

Now the question is what to do with them. I'm looking for a space locally for an exhibition of prints. I'm also exploring options for an online exhibition.

That's just one project. I also have two video projects and a magazine article in the works based on Crashboat photos. And then there are the horses which another whole thing.

Stay tuned. Exciting times ahead.

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