Thursday, May 08, 2008

May is Better Hearing and Speech month

"Hi! I'm talking to you. Can you hear me now? Do you understand me?" It may not be just a bad cell phone connection. I may have a speech problem. Or you may have a hearing problem.

Speech and language disorders can affect anyone at any age. Millions of infants, children, and adults in America suffer from a communication or swallowing disorder. It may be difficulty in swallowing or a disorder such as stuttering, or delayed speech and language development, or a voice problem, or a person’s ability to learn and interact with others. If you suspect you or a loved one may be experiencing a communication or swallowing disorder, consult a speech-language pathologist.

Millions more Americans of all ages and from all walks of life suffer from some degree of hearing loss. Early detection can save valuable treatment time and enhance language development for babies and young children. Early testing can also help prevent a child’s hearing impairment from being mislabeled later as a learning disorder. For teenagers and young adults, identification of a hearing problem can improve academic performance and social interaction. For adults and the elderly, a proper hearing evaluation can increase confidence in communication with friends, family, and colleagues. If you notice signs of hearing loss, consult an audiologist.

May is "Better Hearing and Speech Month." It's a time to celebrate the awesome miracle of communication. You can learn more about speech or hearing disorders, including how to find a speech-language pathologist or audiologist near you, by contacting the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) at

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