Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Gotta love TSA...not

I We feel so much safer with TSA on the job.

So we're going through airport security. TSA had a hissy-fit over a cheesecake - absolutely would not let it on the plane in our carry-on, despite the fact the same inspector told us earlier we COULD take it. What was wrong with the cheesecake? Its texture. The texture of a cheescake is illegal on an airplane! Apparently it meets the TSA (unwritten unpublished seemingly random) definition of "cream or gel."

I shoved (frustration apparent) the cheesecake at the TSA supervisor "Here. Happy birthday!"

"Isn't there someone in the terminal you can give it to?" he asked.

"NO! It's just the two of us. There isn't anyone else!" So he threw a whole cheesecake (our second flan de queso that did not make it to our friends and family in the states) in the trash.

TSA also confiscated our sealed Blue Ice freezer pack - in spite of the fact one of their agents told us a week or so before such freezer packs were okay as long as they were sealed and frozen. We specifically talked to a TSA agent well before our trip to ask about the ice packs.

BUT - the exact same TSA screeners let us take a six-inch-long pointed metal tent stake on the plane in our carry-on. We really didn't mean to or even care about it. It was at the bottom of the bag with all our kite lines, which was stuck in a carry-on bag.

Let's see. Which is more dangerous? Six-inch metal spike or cheesecake.

I DON'T GET IT!!!! But Bush's creation, the TSA, is on the job protecting the flying public from cheesecake and frozen ice packs.

Do you have any TSA yes-no stories? We'd love to hear them. E-mail them to ...commisseration welcome.

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