Today's blog is written by "E" (Elaine) and it is a thank you card to the many many friends and loved ones who have been so incredibly thoughtful, generous, caring and supportive in helping me recover from surgery (which went remarkably thank you first to the great surgeons and medical team who cared for me both before and during the procedure). I started back to work today - just a couple hours a day - and am struck by how many people have been there to help and show so much kindness to me over the past few weeks (and months).
To my friends, here are my thanks in no particular order and with no way to really express all the gratitude I have for all of you:
My friends and colleagues at WMU - Kathy, Bharti, Jan, Helen, Mick, John (sorry 'bout your bike, dude), Jeanine, Laura, Heidi, Mary, Hal, Mike, Gary, Teresa, Paula, Jim, Steve, Donna, Greg, Robin, Sandy - thank you for the card and the tremendous amount of support with workload as well as friendship; I treasure it all more than I can tell you.
Katie J. & Jill A., what can I say? You were there for me (and John) and still are. Thanks for sharing Layla with me. Thanks for helping me get the house ready to show. Thanks for grocery shopping and sharing meals. Thanks for making me laugh and letting me cry and for just hanging out together.
Nancy, thank you for healing dark chocolate truffles and all the good wishes that went with them. I KNOW they have helped.
My future colleagues - now students in SPPA 3510 - your care package was unbelievable and I'm still enjoying goodies from it and I will be using the canvas bag and thinking of you each time for many years to come in Puerto Rico. I will be in to see you before I leave.
Katie M. (original Lola) - thank you for having the accordion orchestra play Besame Mucho the evening of my surgery. It was one of my mom's favorite songs. And thank you for the postcards and program. I'm sorry I lost your phone #.
J-Lily - thank you for lunch and a chance to just sit and talk and enjoy your company.
Amy - the stuffed puppy and your love and support got me through the pre-op jitters and the first few days after. And, your gifts of support since then have been incredible and so very loving. And thanks for loving Kennedy Anne even though she's already kicking to get out.
Mary C. - thank you for the card and taking care of Phoenix. Miss him and our dogs but sure am glad for all the love you have brought to his life.
Jason & Sara - thank you for your phone calls, help with the house (J), and sharing your excitement about coming to visit us in Puerto Rico.
Connie, Jim, Marianne - thank you for the get well emails; good to hear from you; the dogs miss their Friday work day with you all.
Kathy H., the flowers you sent were absolutely gorgeous - colors that made me think of my new home every day (they lasted >2 weeks). Thank you for helping me to remember the important stuff.
John D. (along with Brenda, Mike & Rose), you made me smile and laugh at Ola Lola's and you've continued to help me do that with your cards, newsy notes, and pictures. (I love the photos!) Thank you.
Kathy & Paul - the cookie bouquet came at the best time possible...when I had major case of the munchies. Thank you for your card, love, email and phone calls too.
My sisters (Amy & Mary), thank you for the prayers, cards and phone calls. I love you (and thank you, Amy, for keeping me in the loop on Dad).
Rebecca - thank you for visiting & for missing the dogs with me.
Erin K. - you've given me at least 3 days of rest (both physically and spiritually) that I desperately needed...don't know where you find your timing but it's the best.
Jen P. - thanks for heavy lifting, for the beautiful card, for being patient with me as I faded off on the couch. Glad we could share waffles.
Tito - thank you for being there for John; for talking with me on the phone and for caring about us and for loving Puerto Rico and dogs and horses. You are a wonderful friend.
Pat & John - thank you for countlessly just doing kind things to make my life easier. And, thank you for the security of knowing I have 2 wonderful neighbors and friends right across from me who are there with a smile and care and help whenever I need it. (I refuse to shovel any more snow, however, and I recommend you do the same).
My 2nd year grad students - don't know how to thank you for all the patience you've had with me and for your gracious and supportive get well wishes. Sorry I have been so out of touch (or should I say "off line"). I hope to see you ALL before graduation, though.
Bill & Lynn, and everyone in our "kite family" - thank you for cards, phone calls, emails, and good wishes. Every kite I see reminds me of all your gifts of friendship over the years. Hope we can all fly on the beach soon!
Abby & Sarah - thank you for coming over and for the card and bringing tulips. They were beautiful and reminded me that spring WILL be back. (Hope the Easter stuff worked well.) And Abby, thank you for all the work you have been doing with very little support from me.
Sandy and Marty - thank you for coming to see me in the hospital, for your phone calls, for the e-card, for your recipe for kale greens. Good things are coming.
Ann B. - thank you for phone calls, the flowers (oh I DO love flowers), encouragement, and offers to help continually; thanks for taking "the big one" so I didn't have to. Feel like you're right here with me and makes me smile. See you soon.
To our first-year grads and part-timers – I miss you all and thank you for the emails and support as I’m leaving. I can’t wait to hear your professional success stories (you’re all going to do very well!)
Sheila - it's a blessing just to hear your smile on the phone. Thank you for helping me to honor all the good things in my life right now, especially wonderful friends and guardian angels.
Hazel & Mum E., along with the rest of my British family - so glad to hear you're all doing well. Thanks for the good wishes and hope to see you in Puerto Rico; please DO come visit!
Kris, your phone calls and emails are always so loving. Thanks for your continued get well wishes and prayers and dog stories and missing the red guys!
Beth, thanks for the e-card, loving pix of the dogs and missing 'em too. I will see you.
Lisa K., thanks for playing phone tag until we could finally connect and catch up; glad to hear all the news from the VB group!
Ian and Lynn, still can't figure out what to do with all Ian's framed photos we bought (can't take 'em all to PR). I think we need to meet before I leave and pow-wow on this....okay, I admit it...just an excuse to drink beer and see you two.
Scott F., thank you for helping Ola Lola's be successful (kites and windsocks are awesome!) and for your email get well wishes. Hope to see you at Family Fest.
Holly, thanks for the get well wishes & best wishes for all your new happenin's! Glad you liked the house.
Karen & Bob, thanks for leading the way to warmer climes and for calling to catch up on news and give such supportive get well wishes. Go TEAM!
Maureen, so glad you found love in Puerto Rico. Thanks for your phone calls and get well wishes, my friend.
Bonnie, sorry you're so far away but we miss you and think you & Mike definitely need to stop by Ola Lola's for a drink on your way to the French island :-) (thanks for supportive sistuh stories of surgery!)
Shelly & Mark, thank you for your "neighbor on the street" get well wishes and for sharing your CD with me, Shelly. It'll be great to see you in Puerto Rico, too.
Thank you to all the many other friends who have emailed (and hopefully got a response if they asked a question...we had some "blackout" periods post surgery and no one knew who was on least not online) and sent get well wishes.
To Jen & Tony, Trevor & Jennifer, Bryan, George & Mary, Wade & Andrea, Diane M., and all the many Ola Lola friends who have given John and I more friendship and support than we ever thought possible, especially while we're apart...thank you and I'll be home soon.
FRIENDS like all of you are the REAL GARDEN at Ola Lola's and in our lives. I'm looking forward to seeing every one of you at our new home in Puerto often and as much as possible!
Signing off with a "story" from Bryan Andreas ( that makes me think of all of you and your gifts to me:
"There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good."
P.S. And there are no words to thank Mi Querido for all he is, for all he's done, for all he's doing, for all his love.