Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New tables debut to rave reviews

Our new tables made their debut at the "everybody with a birthday in September" party. The new tables are AWESOME! They are beautiful (thank you Marty and Elaine), they are incredibly well-crafted (thank you, Marty) and they are STABLE (thank you, Marty). We haven't had a single spilled drink or broken glass since we started using the new tables. Our guests love 'em! And so do we. We're really pleased and proud of them.

Each one of the tables features pictographs chosen by our regular guests. The pictographs are from originals created by the Tainos, the last native people to inhabit the island before the Spanish arrived. You can see a close up of each individual table on the Flickr site.

And if we haven't said it before, THANK YOU, MARTY!!!

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