Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hurricane update

Well, I'm gonna type fast because we don't know how long power will last. We've been without electricity and mostly without cell phone for two days - and Hurricane Hannah didn't even hit us! We have gotten a lot of rain and occasional wind out of the outer bands of Hannah as she went by but nothing bad - no damage and (knock on wood) no flooding.

It looks like Hurricane Ike is going to miss us which is a very good thing because right now out over the Atlantic it is a Category 4 hurricane with 140 mph winds. The forecasts have it going well north of us. We may get some rain but it shouldn't be anything too bad (we hope!).

BTW - did you know our word "hurricane" comes from the Taino word "hurican?" The Tainos were the last native people on the island before the Columbus and the Spanish came.

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