Monday, March 02, 2009



For the first time in three months, we have our house to ourselves.

Our nephew Jordan left to go back to the mainland on Friday. Amy and Kennedy went back to Michigan early yesterday morning.

It's not that we don't like people staying with us - please don't misunderstand. We LOVE having family and guests. But it's also nice to have a little quiet and private time to ourselves.


We have another beach-baby and rider in the family though. Kennedy's two favorite activities were running and playing on the beach and in the ocean and riding Chocolate with Abuela ("Grandma"). About the only time she fussed was when it was time to either leave the beach (I SO get it!) or get off the horse (Abuela SO gets it!).

Anyway, we have a brief respite, but we're looking to having family here again soon and seeing some wonderful friends in the near future ... por favor!

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