Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy middle of August and other random thoughts

The middle of August already. Where did June and July go? School starts here next week!

I was closing Ola Lola's the other night and I realized again how much I like being in a public space after it closes, after everyone else leaves. It was late, dark, quiet except for the sound of the wind. I don't know why, but I like those moments. It's always been that way. It's one of the (many) things I liked about being a theater designer/tech director. I was frequently the first one in the theater, unlocking doors, turning on lights, and usually the last to leave. There is something magical, for me at least, in those moments. It's not just the quiet or that it's relaxing - I'm usually still working. At the end of the night at Ola Lola's for example, I'm stacking tables and chairs, putting stuff away.

There is something about the energy in a public place after the public leaves. It may have the same source as our fascination with ruins of ancient or historic places like castles or forts. It may be the same fascination that drives people to look for abandoned buildings or abandoned subway tunnels. Yes, I'd like to do that too. Weird, but I like it.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

John! I found this post this morning and it made me smile - I always felt the same way. As a matter of fact, my favorite place to study when I was in school was up on the catwalks of our theatre. Nice post!

I hopped on your website this morning to find your email address and send you a link to my blog... I've been stateside for a month or so doing some work, and I took a picture for you yesterday! Check it out at

Your name's in the subject - you should recognize the location!

Hope all is well with you and Elaine and the whole brood - can't wait to get back home and come over for the best pina coloda and company around! :-)

--Tracy Abney