Saturday, September 07, 2013

Our first game as soccer grandparents

Okay, okay. I know - after many years a soccer parent, coach and referee - I know it's supposed to be all about the kids.

But sometimes it's not all about the kids. Before and after this game, Kennedy's first soccer game, it was all about her. But during the game, on the sideline, it was all about us - the grandparents and parents. It was our first game too.

We yelled more than any of the other parents. We cheered more than the other parents. Amy yelled more instructions to Kennedy than other parents yelled at their kids (we told her she needs to be a coach). It was all very surreal.

Even though I was born about two hundred miles from here, into a world populated by people like the other parents on the sideline, I realized I am more comfortable in, and have more in common with a room full of native Puerto Ricans than I do this crowd of northern Ohioans. I felt out of place. I can only imagine how our son-in-law Miguel feels.

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