Friday, January 03, 2014

The 14th Day of Winter

Happy Holiday!

There are a lot of people, mostly fundamentalist Christians, who object to "Happy Holidays." They insist on "Merry Christmas" because "Jesus is the reason for the season."

I won't even get into all the ways Christmas celebrations usurped earlier pagan customs and traditions. Suffice it to say celebrations around the winter solstice predate Christianity by thousands of years.

I like "happy holidays," not because it's "politically correct," but because it is inclusive, not exclusive.

Limiting greetings to just "Merry Christmas" excludes and disregards - and disrespects - all those other holidays that fall at this time of year: Hanukah, the solstice, New Year's, Three Kings Day to name a few.

"Happy Holidays!" embraces them all, including Christmas, no matter what or where.

So to everyone everywhere, no matter what their beliefs, Happy Holidays!

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