Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Is this a great place to live or what?

For the last week, Mama Ocean has been in a mood, roiling, throwing wave after wave against the coast.

Last night we felt a M6.3 earthquake that was followed by M5.1, M4.7 and M4.5 aftershocks. In fact, according to earthquaketrack.com, we have had 33 earthquakes, ranging from M2.7, M3.2, M3.3 up to the M6.3, in the last 24 hours alone.

If that weren't enough, Tropical Storm Karen is about to hit the island. All indications are that Karen is pretty much a non-event as tropical storms go. Some wind - maybe 30 mph on the east end of the island, some rain -a couple of inches, again on the east side. The forecast for our side is 10 mph winds and scattered thunderstorms this afternoon.

I mean really - how many places can you get a magnitude 6+ earthquake and a tropical storm all in the same day?

And this morning Mama Ocean was the cleanest and calmest she's been in days. Coda and I went for our morning walk at Shacks Beach and it was flat enough to snorkel.

Go figure. It probably won't last long. Once Karen get past the island tonight she'll make some waves. The surfers will be happ.

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