Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019 Veteran's Day

A lot of people are posting "thank you for your service" messages today. I truly hope those same people are out doing something to help veterans. It is disgraceful how little support we give veterans. An average of 17 veterans a day commit suicide. That is a national disgrace! It is so wrong. According to the House Budget Committee, nearly half of all veterans - roughly 9.4 million - depend on Medicare for health care. Cuts to the Medicare budget have left many veterans and their families stranded.

Don't we owe veterans better than this? Why are the people we send out to kill and possibly be killed not the best-taken care of people in the country? Why isn't the V.A. the best health-care provider in the world? Why isn't health care free for life for veterans like it is for Congress? Oh yeah. Congress gets to decide that.

While you're thanking vets for their service today, do something for them. Write your Congressperson. for Everybody's sake, vote! Volunteer to help. Do something beyond lip-service thank yous.

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