Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I had not been in the water since mid-September! No wonder my nerves are jangled! Last week I got in three times in four days.

First, I snorkeled at Crashboat. I've known for a long time there was a sunken sugar barge somewhere in the area but I didn't know exactly where it was. How could I not know?!? Part of it actually sticks up above the surface.

It looks like jagged dragon's teeth. In fairness (to myself at least) the sticky-up parts blend in with the rocks around it, especially from a distance.

The wreck is bigger than I expected it to be. It is right up against the shore in very shallow water. All wrecks have some inherent dangers. The biggest issue with the barge is waves and surge knocking you into something you'd rather not bang into.

On Saturday I took Paola (one of our Horses of Hope volunteers) to Wishing Well. Shed had a tough week and (like me) needed a little Vitamin Sea therapy. It was only her third time snorkeling and we saw a turtle. She loved it! I'm guessing she'll be back.

On Sunday Carole and her niece Caroline and I tried to snorkel at Playa Borinquen. Well, we did snorkel, just not for very long. The in and out were a little sketchy and visibility was pretty bad so we cut the swim short. But we did see a turtle!

 Waves are back up so it will be a few days before we can get back in the water.

Update on our friend Chris: He is now awake and talking (as best he can). He is off the ventilator. He is feisty and itching to get out of the hospital. The internal issues they were concerned about - gall bladder, fluid in his lungs - have resolved themselves without further intervention or surgery. He needs one more surgery on his leg but then hopefully he will be moved out of ICU and into a room. Keep thinking good thoughts!

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