Monday, December 02, 2019

Monday, December 2, 2019

Reflection. It's that time of year. Thanksgiving - a time to reflect on just how fortunate we are, how much we have to be grateful for. I am grateful we have at least one day set aside to be grateful. I try to be live with gratitude every day, not just one day a year

"Gratitude is an attitude. Gratitude is a choice. And gratitude is a habit."

"Gratitude is perhaps the most important key to finding success and happiness in the modern day. Knowing what we appreciate in life means knowing who we are, what matters to us and what makes each day worthwhile."

My list of people and "things" I am grateful for is huge - and ever-expanding. I put "things" in quotes because, with a few exceptions, what I am grateful for is not things, not stuff. People, beings, attitudes, intentions, actions are way more important than things.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by people you love and care about. Take a moment now and be grateful for that.

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