Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We have a Patente!!!!!

Those of you who have been following this saga know that one of the stumbling blocks to getting our permenent permit from the oficina bebides alcoholicas has been a piece of paper called a "Patente." It's been a back-and-forth, Isabela-to-Aguadilla, waiting on other people to do their jobs bureaucratic run-around. We've been trying to get this thing since before the first of the year. Offices were closed for the holidays, we needed some other piece (or pieceS) of paper to get some other paper we needed to get the Patente, etc, etc. We - or a least I - really wanted to get this done before Katy left so I would have the advantage of her Spanish and her knowledge o f "the system." As regular readers know, Katy left last Friday.

Well, today, on my own, without Katy to smooth things along, I GOT OUR PATENTE!!!!!! Okay, I had a lot of help from two lovely wonderful ladies in the oficina de Centro Gobiero who speak wonderful English, but I did it! And I did a lot of it in Spanish - stumbling, halting, sometimes Spanglish Spanish, but Spanish none the less.

The truly important thing is, I GOT OUR PATENTE!!!! I can't tell you what a wonderful thing that is, what a load off my mind it is to have it. (I should probably say I have no idea what a Patente actually is, but it's something we HAVE to have. The whole permitting process hinges on it.) Tomorrow I go to the oficina de bebides alcoholicas and (hopefully) get our real permit.

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