Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wednesday's best moment

Today was our second time doing yoga on the Ola Lola deck.

We've both wanted to do yoga. There are lots of yoga classes and teachers in our area. We've even tried a few of them.The problem, for us, is nearly all of the classes are for people who already do yoga, who have some experience. who know what a "cat" posture is. Some of them are like bootcamp, constant strenuous flow. All the teachers say, "do what you can; don't strain." We found there is no time to catch up if you fall behind, which we do pretty quickly. I don't begrudge people in those classes. In fact I'm somewhat envious of people my age or even older rockin' through the class. But - and it's a big "but" - they've been doing it a while, many of them for years. They didn't start out that way. All the teachers here seem to direct their teaching energies to advanced students.

Let's face it: we're old, with stiff joints and tight muscles. We need a class that emphasizes breathing, balance, and stretching (yes, they all do) but a very fundamental foundational level. Until last week we not found a basic beginner class.

In a flash of inspiration, Elaine called our friend Rosie who has been a yoga instructor for more than 20 years. Rosie agreed to begin doing gentle yoga sessions for us. Our first one was last week, the second was Wednesday. This the first time I've done yoga two weeks in a row!

Why is this a best moment? I like yoga! Who knew? I just needed yoga at my level. Can't wait for next week!

Thank you, Rosie!!!

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