Sorry no photo for the last three days. Too busy doing what we moved here to do. I'll try to make it up to y'all by posting a bunch of new pictures to Flickr later today.
This weekend was a perfect reminder of why we made this move. Friday and Saturday were very warm - weatherunderground says 84 but it felt warmer than that. WU also says there's a 10 mph breeze. More like 4-5 I'd say.
It was a lot like summer is here, sunny, very warm, light winds. The ocean was been calm and flat for two days. Quite a contrast after the 12-foot+ waves earlier in the week. The kite surfers and surfers aren't particularly happy about it but we snorkelers are overjoyed. Finally, a chance to get in the water and SEE something and to swim without fighting the waves and current.
I finally got out to Blue Hole on Friday. It was beautiful, just amazing. I swam and dove in Blue Hole alone for almost an hour. The morning sun cut shafts of white light through the blue water. Every now and then a fish would slice through the sunlight and absolutely glow. A column of black and yellow striped gobies glittered in the light, a vein of gold against the shadowed reef.
Saturday was a bit more churned up. The surfers were all checking their Internet sites, looking for "swell reports." All the reports said the swell should come up Saturday night and be great on Sunday. Saturday night, two surfers were sitting a Lola's. Suddenly one cocked his head. "Hear that?" he said. "Here it comes, right on time. Looks like Wilderness [Beach] tomorrow."
But that's another story. And a whole 'nuther bunch 'o photos.
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