Sunday, April 21, 2019

April 21, 2019 (still not) Earth Day

I can't believe got that date wrong. Somehow I got in my head that Earth Day was the 20th, not the 22nd.

I did my first surf photo shoot in almost exactly two years yesterday. As you may know photographing surfers was a frequent, favorite activity before the hurricane. It was one of the things I missed during the long darkness without electricity or Internet. Even after power and Internet access were restored, There was so much work to be done - and so few potentially paying surfers around - that it just didn't make sense to spend my time photographing the few, mostly local surfers (who rarely buy photos anyway). Then we moved more than twice as far away from the surf beaches. The ROI on time and gas spent was negligible. So I never got back to it. Until yesterday. That was a private shoot for a friend, with a few bonus photos thrown in.

Today's (still not Earth Day) Earth Week ocean reminder photo is my friend Kari. She is brilliant and beautiful. She loves the ocean, is committed to protecting it, loves to surf, and is an absolute joy to watch when she surfs.

The reminder is there is beauty everywhere on, above and below the surface, and lots to love and protect in the ocean. Treat her like a lady

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