Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 this week in review

 Penny looking for eggs

Cloey found some

We spent Easter Sunday with Jeremy and Anna and friends. The kids had an egg hunt; the adults ate too much. At least, this one did.

 Penny and Jeremy in "the pool"

Vivian in her "floater-mobile"
On Adventure Tuesday we took Anna, Jeremy, Penny, and Vivian to La Parguera. It wasn't exactly the adventure we thought we were going to have but it was the adventure we apparently needed. Anna and Jeremy were a little (!) distracted trying to get details on the closing on the sale of their house here and word about financing on their new house in Michigan. (More this in a minute.) Elaine was distracted waiting for information about what day we could get the new police horses and if our trailer guy was available when the government agency said we could get them. Just a little tension. We couldn't go out in the little skiffs to the mangrove islands because it was too windy and choppy. But there is a beach with an "ocean pool" so we played there and then hung out drinking beer and snacking in town. Very gentle, very low key. Like I said, not the adventure we thought we were going to have but the one we needed. Anna and Jeremy had never been to La Parguera so at least we got to show them that before they leave.

Ah, yes - that. In very short order Anna and Jeremy got an out-of-the-blue offer on their house  At almost exactly the same time, Jeremy got word he is being promoted to a new position back in Michigan. They were looking for a house in Michigan and practically feel into a deal on a house very near Jeremy's family that is already setup for special needs. Vivian's growth and development is a constantly wonderful surprise but no one can predict what her future will be. With this house, they are prepared no matter what it is. And the house has a pool for Penny!

So They are leaving. That is probably the hardest thing about living here. People come, you get close, and then they leave. Anna and Jeremy are going to be especially hard to lose. They are family. And as Carole says, "I love the family I chose!" And their moving away so soon after Rolf's death is especially especially difficult.

Carole and Vivian

 Yunque (in the back) and Jibaron (in the front) - our two new horses

 Yunque meeting Chocolate and KTJ for the first time

After all the craziness, the two new horses, Yunque and Jibaron, finally came home on Friday. The trip from Bayamon to here was pretty uneventful. The first meeting was quite eventful. Nothing really bad, i.e., no body and no horses got hurt, but fences came down, fence posts were broken and for a while mayhem ensued. The good news is when the fences were down and they all cavorting together, there was no fighting. A lot of shouldering and nuzzling and pushing but no fighting. That's bodes well. Things eventually calmed down. KT, Choco, and Cass spend the night grazing in a pasture (poor babies!) and Yunque and Jibaron spent the night getting used to their paddock and the electric fence.

This morning I did what in hindsight I should have done in the first place: I put separator fences between the paddocks so the horses can see each other but can't get to each other. Today that has worked so far. We'll see what the night brings. 

Cass, Yunque, and Jibaron just before the fences came down 

They are pretty horses and - in spite of some news reports - in good health. They need work and they need to get used to their digs and herd-mates, and they will. They just need some time and patience. 

An exciting week. I'm hoping to get in the water tomorrow. It's supposed to be flat and calm and no rain. We'll see how the fences are.

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