Sunday, August 04, 2019

Sunday, August 4, 2019

What a party! Stephanie and Jordan threw a great party and pig roast to celebrate their one-year anniversary at Ola Lola's.

I just want to say Elaine and I could not be happier with Stephanie and Jordan. When you work hard to build something, you worry sometimes about the legacy when you pass it on, not there is anything you really can - or should - do about it. Stephanie and Jordan have done us proud! They've accomplished something very difficult: They've kept the vibe, the feel, the atmosphere of the Ola Lola's we created and they made the vibe and the place their own. They are not copying or imitating us. It's still the same comfortable welcoming place but it's all theirs.

We are so proud of what Stephanie and Jordan have done. We are so grateful the universe brought us all together.

Congratulations on the great success of your first year! May you have many many more!

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hey, some of those blue-topped tables look familiar...