Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Maria log day 28 October 19, 2017 Thursday

Thursday, October 19, day 28

It has become a morning ritual: as I walk through the kitchen to make coffee, I turn on the faucet to see if we have water.

Nope. Not this morning.

Someone made a Herculean effort to clear the road down the beach. I did some raking and some bushwhacking around a downed section of fence and cleared out some vines that partially blocked the end of the path. Now I can take the dogs to "our" beach again.

There is still that three-foot drop at the end where the dune washed away. The dogs can jump down but that's hard on them. And, I have to lift them up on the way back. They don't like that and neither do I.

So I built a ramp out of storm debris. Amber will go down with coaxing. Oz still prefers to jump. I have to butt-push both of them to get up. I think/hope it will get easier as they do it more.

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