Monday, February 19, 2018

Maria log day 33, October 24, 2017 Tuesday

Tuesday, October 24, day 33

Today I did my ritualistic ever-hopeful flick of the faucet and I heard gurgle gurgle WHOOSH!


I let it run a bit to see if it was real and to clear the air bubbles out of the line.


I yelled up the stairs AGUA!!!!!!!

It looks like it might be for real this time.

Having water changes everything. It shifts our priorities back to cleaning. We're still filtering our drinking water; we will for the foreseeable future, maybe forever. But we're not dependent on captured rainwater to wash dishes and flush toilets. That's a good thing because we haven't had significant rain for a week now. The rain buckets are getting low.

The current rumor about why we haven't had water is - pirates! The story is every morning some people were opening the valve up the mountain that feeds our area. But they only opened it to fill their own water truck. Then they shut off the valve and came down the mountain to sell that water to they'd stolen it from!

We don't know if that's true or not but it's a good story. Plus, the day after the person "discovered" and "reported" the piracy, we got water back. Hmmmmm...

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