Friday, February 22, 2019

MARIA log February 22 Day 154 Thursday

Thursday, February 22 day 154

High wind and hard rain overnight.

More dealing with SBA bureaucratic  B.S. Now SBA wants "stamped" copies of our last five years tax returns from the IRS. Apparently, "the system" isn't giving Ernest Jackson, the guy we're dealing with at SBA, the kind of access to our tax records he thinks he should have.

So I called the IRS and they have no idea what he's talking about, no idea what a "stamped" copy is. The woman at the at the IRS said she could send me certified copies of our tax returns. Certified copies are $50 each (!) and can take up to 6 months to get.

 I spent more than four hours on line, on the phone and waiting for a fax that never came. But the woman from the IRS was really nice. Once we figured out what Ernest Jackson really wanted, she said, "I can just fax that to you! Do you have a fax?"

"Uh, no."

"Well, we'll just stay on the line while you drive to Kinko's."

"Uh, no Kinko's. The nearest Kinko's is 900 miles in Miami. I can get to a fax machine but I will lose the call."

"Waddya mean?"

"Well, I have to drive up the mountain through a narrow rock-walled canyon to get there. There is no cell signal in the canyon."

"Waddaya mean 'no cell signal?' How do you get by with no cell signal?"

"It's just for a few minutes in the canyon. It's just the way it is." I didn't bother to explain about the months we'd been without cell signal at all. She was really cute about it.

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