Wednesday, February 27, 2019

MARIA log February 25, 26, 27 Days 157, 158, 159 and NOW

Sunday, February 25 day 157

Sunny and warm morning, no rain overnight.

Also no electricity again from 1:30 AM on.

Only one brief rain shower during the day but howling winds. Then heavy rain in the evening.

Electricity still off when we got home from Carole's.

NOW Monday, February 25

From the Rock at Golandrina a couple of days ago

Light rain overnight. Not enough to relieve the drought or water rationing but it's helping the grass and the pastures. Mostly sunny and windy.

Monday, February 26 day158

Heavy rain overnight. Still no electricity at 6:00 AM. It came back on about 1:00 PM.

NOW Tuesday, February 26

Light rain overnight, then sunny and very windy.  The water was back on so we did some laundry. And since the water was on and I could wash him, I took Coda to walk on Playa El Pastillo  "El Pastillo" translates as "the dough." That's appropriate; the waves are constantly kneading the shoreline and the beach. Anyway, the colors in the water have been incredible.

Tuesday, February 27 day 159

Woke up to:

Light still on;
Breezy but not howling.

A day of cleaning and painting.

The Small Business Administration called today - our business loan for $22,000 has been approved. We're probably not going to take it because of the terms.  We're still waiting to hear about our SBA homeowner's loan. If that is approved, we'll probably take it. The terms are much better.

NOW Wednesday, February 27

Light rain overnight, Sunny and windy. Is there a pattern here? Still not enough rain to end the rationing though. So today is a no-water day which means - among other things - I don't take Coda to the beach. Today was a trail-walk day. A lot of times that means we walk up over the Rock at Golandrina. I love it up there. Whichever way you look, the view is different.

The rock itself is an exposed edge of the limestone up-lift that creates Puerto Rico. The edges have be carved by millennia of wind and sand in to this ragged sharp-edged alien-world-looking rock called aeolianite. It's really cool stuff. And it's fun to watch the ocean through it.

And always, there are those colors.

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